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"Hunde kommen, wenn man sie ruft. Katzen nehmen deine Nachricht zur Kenntnis und kommen eventuell später darauf zurück."
(Mary Bly)

humansbefree.com ** Greenpeace Founder Patrick Moore Says Climate Change Based On False Narratives

humansbefree.com ** UN & WEF Are Behind Global War On Farmers

thetruedefender.com ** Ex-Freemason Revealed The Satanic Secrets Of International Freemasons!

katehon.com ** Eating Insects as we Freeze in the Dark

thetruedefender.com **Ex-Freemason Revealed The Satanic Secrets Of International Freemasons!

naturalnews.com **LEAKED FOOTAGE: Israeli health minister plotted to manipulate covid vaccine expert report to avert litigation

naturalnews.com **After 9/11 America secured airplane flight decks to stop the deaths; after the Covid-19 vaccine holocaust, it’s time to SECURE OUR CHILDREN against Big Pharma terrorism

naturalnews.com **Let’s Talk America with Dr. Alan Keyes: America is being UNDERMINED by leftists attempting to distort and revise the nation’s history, warns Larry Schweikart – Brighteon.TV

vk.com/action4all ** mein VK.COM

thetruthseeker ***

breitbart.com ***

brandenburger freiheit **

simcast - powered by microsoft **

SpeCial** TOPICS**
TOPIC 6: Chemtrails - der Krieg am Himmel TOPIC 7: 5g-Impfung & Graphenoxid TOPIC 8: Sie lügen wenn sie lügen TOPIC 9: Visionen zur Endzeit TOPIC 10: Corona ein Rassenkrieg? TOPIC 11: Die Maske: Okkultes Symbol?

SpeCial** TOPICS**

TOPIC 1: Impfkurve = Sterbekurve TOPIC 2: Impfgeschädigte reden TOPIC 3: Zwang zur Selbstschädigung TOPIC 4: Vorsicht: "MASKE" TOPIC 5: Vorsicht: PCR-Test !!! TOPIC 6: Chemtrails - der Krieg am Himmel TOPIC 7: 5g-Impfung & Graphenoxid TOPIC 8: Sie lügen wenn sie lügen TOPIC 9: Visionen zur Endzeit TOPIC 10: Corona ein Rassenkrieg? TOPIC 11: Die Maske: Okkultes Symbol?